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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tips: When Children Lie

When children lie to their parents, the parents may feel angry, they may also think that their children are lack of respect to them, however it is important to know that lying is one of human’s common feature. Rather than focus on the specific lies of children, parents should more focus on the purpose of their lies because all behavior is purposeful

     Thing may get worse if parents confront their lying children in a bad way, it may cause children feel unsafe and become more deceptive. It is recommended that parents do not use words lying to their children, instead, they should phrase it, like “you need to be honest with me”, if they do, the children may be open.

     Things that cause children lie are various such feel afraid of something, or lack self-confidence.  However, if parents talk to their children In a gentle way, it may help them to uncover the truth.

     Lying may be often found in teenagers, for in this period of age teens search ways to separate from their parents through many ways such acting guarded around parents and covering truth. Using appropriate approach and parameters of their behavior can stick them out of lying. 

     Some guidelines for parents to deal with lying children are to know that all behavior is purposeful, lying is inevitable for children. Avoid using word lying, and children may feel embarrassed to tell the truth.
In case children are pathological liars, who also do many bad behavior, professional treatment may be needed

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