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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tips: Stop Snoring Naturally

If you have trouble with snoring, there are some tips to stop it. one of the tips is to refrain from sleeping on your back as this position can disturb breathing, instead sleep on your side, and maintain this position by putting pillow at your back while sleeping. Another tips is to feel relax before going to bed as stress is atriggering factor.

Things that make it worse is smoking, as cigarette contains chemicals that can distort the flow of our breathing. And also alcohol is one of the causes of snoring, refrain from drinking alcohol before sleeping as alcohol make our muscles relax even our tongue and throat.

Water also can help us solve the problem, keeping your mouth and throat hydrated by drinking a lot of water will make your breath smooth and leave space for air to flow when you are sleeping. Replacing your matress may also help because old mattress may cause alergy. 

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