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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tips: Curing Headache

If you are suffering from headache, you can try the tips below. This tip is taken from Islamic treatment book composed by imam Jalaluddin As Suyuthi.
1. Take a wolf’s skin. Wrap your head with the skin and tie it up. Insyaallah your headache will be gone soon 
2. Prepare wheat flour. Mix the wheat flour with vinegar. Wrap your head with that.
3. Take a rooster’s bile. Get its oil and lubricate the head with the oil.
4. Get a pumpkin. Take its water. Drink some of the water and also wash the head with the water. 
5. Get rose water and rose oil. Mix it with vinegar with the same amount. After that take cotton cloth and dowse it into the mixed ingredient. Then put the cotton on your head. The headache will be a history insyaallah.
Actually, there are more tips to it. However these 5 ways are the best ones. Hope you can find it useful

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