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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Did You Know: A Bad Relationship With Mom May Lead To Weight Gain

A new study found that kids having bad start relationship with their mom are more likely to end up being fat as what had been found on 977 children who were born 1991 and enrolled in the study of early child care and youth development. The children having poor relationship with their mother in toddlerhood have more than twice to end up being obesity by age 15.  

           Another finding is that toddlers who had bad relationship with their mother are more likely to become obesity by age of 4 ½. This study led by Sarah Anderson suggests that the root of problem lies in the brain, having to do with emotion and nerve system.

           Sarah also states that two factors of obesity having to do with parenting, because a child will respond to the way of parenting through their pattern of eating and sleeping which are two factors of obesity Rather than count on diet, improving relationship in early childhood may help reduce to be obesity 

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